

FINDTRUEFAITH is a non-profit Faith Based Organization, whose main objectives include:

  •  Promote and establish Christian doctrine study programs, Christian History and Islamology in each Christian church, in order to strengthen and enable Christians and Christians Organizations to participate actively and effectively in evangelization mission to Muslims within and outside the country.
  •   Facilitate the capacity building of Christian churches, and Christian institutions to undertake research, study and analysis of important theological and social questions, the social economic, political, and cultural environment of Tanzania and promotion of inculturation in order to meaningfully and effectively respond to emergency challenges of bringing the Good News especially to Muslims.
  •   Discern and promote the mission of Christian Churches and institutions in spreading the Good News of Jesus to Muslims in Tanzania, and all country members of East Africa and the entire world at large. 
  • Engage and facilitate participation of Christian churches and institutions in policy analysis, dialogue, development and advocacy at the national level. 
  •   Promote the role of Christian women in Evangelism mission, including the strengthening and promotion of Christian women, young and children organizations, participation in living in daily dialogue and debate with Muslims (as they are immediate victims and prey of spreading Islam) ,showing their unity and finding the needed Spiritual and showing their fraternity, harmony, and their struggle for the promotion of human dignity, justice and peace.  

OUR MISSION FIND TRUE Faith's mission is therefore to enhance and improve the capacity of Christians to play a central role in evangelizing Muslims through debates and dialogue  

OUR VISION FIND TRUE FAITH's overriding vision is to empower Christians of Tanzania and outside to effectivelly evangelize Muslims and respond to challenges in reaching out to Muslims by understanding the Word of God through authentic interpretation and translate its message into real life without fear.


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