The on-going campaign by radical Muslims to eradicate of what they call Christian System in Tanzania, seems to have deeper roots, as prominent Muslim scholars have plugged their feet in.
Prof. Hamza Mustafa Njozi, a lecturer at Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM), and a member of Dar es Salaam University Muslims Trusteeship (DUMT), has portrayed this.
Prof. Njozi, further, blames America for her intervention in the process of restoring peace. He would like the Islamic coercively campaign of imposing shariah laws in the secular state like Tanzania, face no obstacles until the land has been, completely, controlled by them. He authored another book titled "The Mwembechai Killings" which was banned by the government.
He says: "It appears that there are more than local forces at play. Available evidence seems to indicate that the Americans are also involved. Their involvement may be gathered from what preceded and what followed, the Zanzibar killings of 27-28 January,2001."
On his opinion the 26-27 January killings and its aftermath has a direct connection with the current situation of Zanzibar, as the result of America intervention. This statement to the large extent is obvious seditious.
He further says "Christians in Tanzania do not need to be taught about Muslims. They have lived with them throughout their lives-long before even Tanganyika or Zanzibar became independent. Yet, as a result of government propaganda, a good number of the same Christians now seem to reject the image of Muslims as they appear in front of them, in favor of the image of Muslims as painted by the government. If this could be the case even to adult Christians, what image of Muslims will the frightened, tender-aged Christians of today carry in their heads?
Muslims are considered by the Christian-dominated government as constituting both, a religious and political danger." Added Prof. Njozi.
To the large extent his statement is absolutely true, if one ponders on the on-going incidences which is taking place in Tanzania against Clergies and lay Christians, who have now turned prey of blood-thirsty radical Muslims. A group of radical Muslims who dislike secular government yearn to replace with the one that will implement sharia in the land.
Refer back to the recently fracas between Christians and Muslims which caused blood shed of the Pastor about animal slaughtering process. The reaction revealed that, radical Muslims aimed to oppress non-Muslims especially Christians and submit them under Islamic sharia.
Even Muslim scholars who are in Defence Forces as Prof. Njozi hints in his book, by any means, would try to pin down the government efforts of maintaining peace co-existence in the pluralism and diverse beliefs of Tanzania.
There fore, when we experience the absence of peace and religious intolerance in our society today, some Muslims like Prof. Njozi, a Muslim scholar and lecturer at Islamic University, gives a reason that, the America intervention in the peace keeping process, is the reason.
He is alerting his fellow radical Muslims, to paint America and Americans black. He is, indirectly, rejecting the campaign of The U.S.A, to fight terrorists world wide including Tanzania.
This is quiet dangerous! .
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Posted by Unknown on 8:34 AM
mwandishi origin ni mtu anaechochea chuki na hasama hapa Tanzania..mleta mada amekokotoa hii makala kutoka mtu mmoja Danniel Mwankemwa anayemiliki blog yake inayoitwa find the true faith ambako humo...anamwaga matusi kibao dhidi ya uislam na Mitume yao wote na dhidi ya waislam.matusi anayotoa ni kashfa sana
huwa na tabia ya ku misquote watu kujaribu kujenga hisia kali miongozi mwa baadhi ya wakristo wasio taka kutumia akili zao....
Proffessa hamza ni mtu makini sana hajawahi kusema hayo...ila huyu jamaa amefanya ukarabati kwa kutumia kitabu chake kuhusu mauaji ya mwembe chai...
hivi kweli kuna chuki kali kati ya waislam na wakristo hapa tanzania ? hebu tufikiri kwa dhati kabisa? wewe muislam hauna rafiki mkristo ama wewe mkristo hauna rafiki muislam ? nani jirani yako wa kulia na kushoto?
jee hauna jamaa yako ambaye ni wa dini tofauti ?
jirani akifa jee jamiii hizi hazishiriki.....maziko ya mwenzao ? jee kwenye makazi tunakofanya kazi hatukai na watu wa dini tofauti ? jee bosi wako sio wa dini nyengine ?
sasa watu kama Danniel Mwankemwa amabe anaeneza chuki anaetukana waislam na viongozi wao kupitia blog amabe hutoa habari za uongo kwa lengo la kuchochea uhasama huyu ni wa kuogopwa kama hatari...hawa wana tumiwa tusiwaendekeze...hawa likitokea la kutokea wanakimbilia kwa mabwana zake walomtuma kufanya kazi ya kuwagombanisha waislam na watanzania
hawaa ndio walioleta sakata la kuchinja..hili halijawahi kuwa tatizo..sio leo wala juzi...lakini kwa vile wameshindwa kuichafua Tanzania kwa njia za kisiasa sasa wanatumiwa hawa kuwachafua watanzania kutumia dini...
UB 40 angalia usilete mada zenye lengo hilo...labda kama na wewe ni miongoni mwa wale waliopewa jukuma lailetea Tanzania machafuko ya kidini
hiii nchi yetu sote, sisi wenyewe ndio tutaistawisha sisi wenyewe ndio tutaiangamiza...tuepeke kushabikia vibaraka wa nje....akiwa wa arabuni akiwa uyahudi ama marekani....tukumbuke ukoloni uliondoka afrika sio kwa kutaka lakini kama alivosema Charles De Gaulle rais wa ufaransa wakati wa harakati za kudai uhuru na mapambano kule Algeria " wind of change is happening in Africa' hivo tutafute njia nyengine ya kuzitawala nchi hizi......haya alikuwa akiwambia wakoloni wenzake mbinu nyingi zinatumika kuendelea kutawala nchii hizi moja ni kuwatumia vibaraka kama Danniel Mwankemwa kuleta vita ndani ya nchi hizi
Hivi wewe ndiye Prof.Hamza Mustafa Njozi? Kwa nini usimfowadie yeye ujumbe huo ili aukanushe mwenye kama haumo kwenye vitabu alivyoviandika? Kosa la Daniel Mwamkemwa ni nini? kunukuu? Je na wewe unakubaliana na mawazo ya Prof. Njozi kwamba serikali ya Tanzania si ya kisekula bali ni ya Kikristo? Katiba inasemaje kuhusu hilo? Kumtukana mtu ni kosa kisheria, Je kama uliona mwenye blog hiyo anatukana ulimshtaki ili sheria ichukue mkondo wake? Ni nani mzalendo kati ya yule anayefichua mipango ya siri yenye kuhatarisha amani ya watanzania au yule anayeificha ili watu waje waumie baadaye? Au mnataka mfanikishe mipango yenu kwa nchi yetu kimya kimya huku mkijificha kwenye mwavuli wa taaluma? Tanzania ni yetu sote na wala hatuna kwa kwenda hata tukifa ni ardhi hii hii ya mama yetu Tanzania ndiyo inatakiwa itupokee na kutuhifadhi.
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